How to Optimize Websites for People? Use the FIRE UP Approach!

How to Optimize Websites for People? Use the FIRE UP Approach!

How do you optimize websites for people? I mean actual readers! Especially those who are suffering from chronic attention shortage? You need to make websites or in short “fire up“. “fire someone up – Fig. to motivate someone; to make…

How to Use White Space or Get Swallowed by a Black Hole

How to Use White Space or Get Swallowed by a Black Hole

Nowadays the content provided on your website must be original, well written and thought of, and it must look appealing. How to reconcile both worlds?

utm_source=crap: How Google Analytics Breaks Links + UX

utm_source=crap: How Google Analytics Breaks Links + UX

* Did you notice how dirty some website addresses are? They are full of crap! Why? Over the years Google – the dominant analytics provider on the market – and marketers have increasingly inserted it! In this post I explain…

How Cool Web Design Leads to Shareability Failure

How Cool Web Design Leads to Shareability Failure

* Do you remember the nineties? I started “designing” and coding websites back then. In the early days of the Web most sites sucked. Later than changed luckily. Yet even on the modern Web some sites are rather flashy than…

Simple Ways to Optimize Your Site

Simple Ways to Optimize Your Site

Sometimes it’s not about the huge website relaunch. Amazon and other market leaders only add incremental changes without ever fully redesigning their websites. Yet such an approach often leads to feature creep! What then? Clutter due to growing sites Yes,…

Free Webfonts that Don’t Look Fuzzy

Free Webfonts that Don’t Look Fuzzy

As noted before on this blog most fonts including webfonts look fuzzy these days. That’s bad for readability and ultimately for your bottom line. Using just Helvetica and Arial won’t suffice anymore. You really have to use webfonts now. Sadly…

Quality Sites Are the New Links and Santa Exists

Quality Sites Are the New Links and Santa Exists

According to Google and Search Engine Land the decades old practice of link building has been replaced by “building quality sites” back in 2013. Is SEO dead then, again? No, that’s not a joke. This is official. The webmaster guidelines…

Proxima Nova Webfont: Best Font for Body Text Readability?

Proxima Nova Webfont: Best Font for Body Text Readability?

One day I wrote about how Microsoft made the Web ugly. Then I suggested a solution: webfonts. Yet there is a caveeat! Only some webfonts work for body text – not just headlines! This time I want to show you…

How Microsoft Made the Web Ugly & What to Do About it

How Microsoft Made the Web Ugly & What to Do About it

* This is a sad story with a happy ending about the way Microsoft has made the Web ugly and what to do about it. You have to act now though or you lose readers and customers. In a more…

Why Short Posts Beat Long Form Content

Why Short Posts Beat Long Form Content

* In recent years a new kind of debate has been taking place online. It’s about content length. The longer the better it seems. Why? The main point of the content length debate is that – let me summarize it…

SEO 2.0 Goes Responsive Web Design with Origin

SEO 2.0 Goes Responsive Web Design with Origin

SEO 2.0 goes responsive web design with the free WordPress theme Origin by AlienWP. I kept my last theme for about 5 years by now and would even have sticked with it but it didn’t display properly on smartphones and…

Pinterest Optimization for SEO Machos

Pinterest Optimization for SEO Machos

* “Pinterest Optimization for SEO Machos” is a contribution by Adrienne of Pongra. To spice things up I have added some ugly remarks about male SEO practitioners in the post. I also made the headline a bit more controversial plus…

Idiotically Simple Ways to Make Your Crap Content Stand Out

Idiotically Simple Ways to Make Your Crap Content Stand Out

Everybody knows you have to create great content to survive so you have to compete with millions of others who are creating and promoting content.

Readability Advice: Lorem Ipsum Yourself! Design Content!

Readability Advice: Lorem Ipsum Yourself! Design Content!

* One of the most important things on the Web is readability. Despite that to this day many webmasters, bloggers and even web designers neglect it. One day I asked a blogger to improve his post readability. Why? Otherwise my…

What is Your Value Proposition and How Do You Present it?

What is Your Value Proposition and How Do You Present it?

Many people like to optimize the call to action or other elements of landing pages. Yet they overlook the crucial aspect of every business website or even online interaction! What is the most important ingredient every site needs? It’s the…

This is Why Google Search is Dying* and How to Search Instead

This is Why Google Search is Dying* and How to Search Instead

Do you think Google sucks? Yes. Google search is dying*. Why that? Ads, on-site features and AI take over gradually. In this post I reflect on how complex the Google search experience is nowadays. To solve the problem I will…

Pinterest Marketing Mistakes People Make and Quick Fixes

Pinterest Marketing Mistakes People Make and Quick Fixes

Pinterest? You are doing it wrong! OK, I admit it, I have been using Pinterest for many years already. Yet I haven’t done any “marketing” over there. I just used it like a normal person would. By now I have…

10 Ways Matomo is Better Than Google Analytics

10 Ways Matomo is Better Than Google Analytics

In recent years more and more people are less and less fond of Google. Not only does Google monopolize many industries it also mostly makes money by tracking people and selling their private data to advertisers. One of the markets…

How to Remove utm_source & Other Parameters From Your URLs

How to Remove utm_source & Other Parameters From Your URLs

Have you noticed some unwanted crap being added to website addresses? Yes, I’m talking about utm_source crap and similar website address pollution! utm_source crap is usually merely annoying and distracting but it can even break websites. Yet most of the…

The Anatomy of an SEO 2 Web Directory of the Highest Quality

The Anatomy of an SEO 2 Web Directory of the Highest Quality

* I have a SEO 2 Web directory right here on my blog. What? A “Web directory”? In 2023? Are you kidding?! No. I’m not. Are you selling paid links here? Not at all either! Hear me out! What Makes…