As noted before on this blog most fonts including webfonts look fuzzy these days. That’s bad for readability and ultimately for your bottom line. Using just Helvetica and Arial won’t suffice anymore. You really have to use webfonts now. Sadly…
According to Google and Search Engine Land the decades old practice of link building has been replaced by “building quality sites” back in 2013. Is SEO dead then, again? No, that’s not a joke. This is official. The webmaster guidelines…
One day I wrote about how Microsoft made the Web ugly. Then I suggested a solution: webfonts. Yet there is a caveeat! Only some webfonts work for body text – not just headlines! This time I want to show you…
* This is a sad story with a happy ending about the way Microsoft has made the Web ugly and what to do about it. You have to act now though or you lose readers and customers. In a more…
* In recent years a new kind of debate has been taking place online. It’s about content length. The longer the better it seems. Why? The main point of the content length debate is that – let me summarize it…