Category: Internet

  • What the Heaven is Paradise SEO? The Garden Eden of Natural Links

    What the heaven is paradise SEO? Did you mean “parasite SEO”? Hell no! I mean the Garden Eden of SEO. How that? Abundance of natural links growing on trees! So for heaven’s sake! Here comes paradise SEO! No kidding! What…

  • How to Make Your Website User Friendly Like Fashion Magazines

    There is a whole lot digital media could learn about making user friendly websites from the rules and practices applied by their printed counterpart, especially glossy fashion magazines.

  • * The “Content is King” motto of large media conglomerates like has been misunderstood by content marketers. People appropriated it to mean that content is the most important aspect of your visibility strategy. It’s not. Content without shares and links…

  • How Microsoft Made the Web Ugly & What to Do About it

    * This is a sad story with a happy ending about the way Microsoft has made the Web ugly and what to do about it. You have to act now though or you lose readers and customers. In a more…