The Right Blog at the Right Time

The Right Blog at the Right Time

My blogging journey has been long and winded by now. I feel like looking back and analyzing. It may also help you to find out when it is the right time to start a blog. I started this blog here…

Sex, permission marketing and social media – The ultimate Ménage à trois

This naughty guest post is brought to you by James Duthie from Online Marketing Banter and is in no way endorsed by the fine people at SEO 2.0. What do sex, permission marketing & social media have in common? It…

Are You Engaging Enough to Join A Tribe?

Are You Engaging Enough to Join A Tribe?

People follow me on social media like Pinterest, LinkedIn or Twitter and expect me to follow back or promote their content right away with no engagement whatsoever or worse by spamming me. Most just lurk while others try to send…

Introducing Traits of Green SEOs

Introducing Traits of Green SEOs

* When one of my favorite green blogs was looking for an SEO expert I was seriously tempted to quit everything else and do green SEO full time.   The best of us look beyond profits Some of the most…

Top 10 Reasons Why SEOs Fail on Social Media

Top 10 Reasons Why SEOs Fail on Social Media

* Many search engine optimizers are still stuck in the past. These old school practitioners fail to adapt. They struggle with the new social media environment and attempt to apply rules of the legacy Web to the new environment. To…

How to Get Content and Earn Credibility with Old News

How to Get Content and Earn Credibility with Old News

* Who wants to read yesterday’s news? This might sound like a rhetoric question but it’s not: Google users or searchers want to read old news. People actually seek out your old, even archaic content right now. What do they…

3 Phases of Blog Growth or How to Love Blogging

3 Phases of Blog Growth or How to Love Blogging

* Starting and maintaining a high quality or flagship blog is not really easy. You need perseverance and the will to keep on blogging no matter what happens. Yet that’s still not enough to keep your blog growing. You need…

Findability: New and Better SEO?

Findability: New and Better SEO?

What is findability? Is it just a synonym for SEO? Yes and no. Let’s find out how the findability concept evolved over the past 20+ years. use it to this day. How do I know? Simply by searching for it…

How to Get More Visitors for Your Blog Without Social Media Marketing

How to Get More Visitors for Your Blog Without Social Media Marketing

Please excuse my honesty! Personally I truly dislike the term “marketing” as well as combinations like search engine marketing. Even more than that I despise the term social media marketing which is a contradiction in itself. Either you socialize with…

10 Commandments of Business Blogging

10 Commandments of Business Blogging

* Whatever you do, you need passion! What exactly is business blogging? To me it applies to any blogging motivated by the advancement of any business or marketing goals. It may even apply to blogging for a cause like many…

Dofollow Blog Commenting Etiquette vs a Barbecue Party

Dofollow Blog Commenting Etiquette vs a Barbecue Party

* How to comment on “dofollow” blogs without getting marked as SPAM? Is there a way to add actual value to your comment even though you’re just after the link? Does commenting on a “dofollow” blog work for bloggers who…

The 10 Simplest Ways to Boost Your Social Media Credibility

The 10 Simplest Ways to Boost Your Social Media Credibility

I was a very active social media user during the past decades. Over 100k followers follow me just on Pinterest! Yet I’m also still active elsewhere! In recent years I also worked as social media manager for a few clients!…

Are You Proud of What You Do? I Am. You Should Too.

Are You Proud of What You Do? I Am. You Should Too.

The perhaps most important factor at work, independent of industry or kind of employment, is pride. Are you sure? How that? You have to be proud of what you do in order to create value and be happy. Zen Buddhists…

The 3 Types of Online Reputation Management You Need

The 3 Types of Online Reputation Management You Need

Online Reputation Management was a relatively late addition to search engine optimization and it was part of a larger marketing trend. The hype has subsided over the years yet so called ORM or Online Reputation Management is the daily bread…

The 7 Pillars of SEO 2: Going Beyond E-E-A-T to Become POPULAR

The 7 Pillars of SEO 2: Going Beyond E-E-A-T to Become POPULAR

It’s 2024 and Google attempts to fend off the AI crap flood using its E-E-A-T principles. Does covering the basics suffice though? Will it be enough to become popular? I don’t think so. In order to succeed in a social…

10 Reasons to Use Social Media

10 Reasons to Use Social Media

Have you ever wondered why you are spending hours daily on the Internet without really working? Some people assume that you are wasting your time when looking at cute cat images on Facebook. Here are 10 reasons to use social…

Things to Love about Iran

Things to Love about Iran

When you listen to western media you tend to believe that the people of Iran are monsters. Why? Not only the tabloids are full of stereotypes, hate-mongering and misleading or downright fake news. Never mind that the US have probably…