You don’t really need content strategy do you?
You just create a simple blog!
You don’t even have one!
You just write and publish. That’s it!
Why do I need a strategy: “I’m not a general leading an army” you think.
Yet you do have one! It’s just probably not the one you really want. In fact
you can summarize most content strategies in just one sentence!
What would your sentence sound like? Find out below!
Real Life Example
A client of mine I did a website audit for had a content strategy he didn’t even formulate.
Yet he was abiding by it religiously! His content strategy went something like this:
“create very specific answers for the questions customers would have while buying.”
There was just one problem: he didn’t have the customers yet.
Also visitors arriving at his site would be distracted!
Additional information can prevent people from hitting the “buy” button.
Visitors would read educational content instead of using the sales funnel.
People who already want to buy need to be left alone not bombarded with redundant advice.
This is no exception. Most implicit content strategies are failing in similar ways and they rarely work.
Also they often do not consider an actual audience.
Creating content without an explicit content strategy is pointless.
It’s like a rock band playing in an empty place with no one listening.
Content Strategies that Fail

Common content strategy types are:
- just create great content and they will come
- publish and self-promote as much as possible to get traction
- create keyword-rich “me too” content for Google to get some traffic (see screenshot above)
Do they sound familiar? Most businesses operate on one or all of these and obviously fail sooner or later.
#1 is the typical blogger who jumps into it assuming that by putting their thoughts out there somehow miraculously the readers will appear.
#2 pretty much sums up the selfish social media self-promoter we all have encountered more than once.
#3 is the classic Google traffic optimization scheme that led to such things like the infamous content farms.
You may argue that I’m a bit self-righteous here looking down condescendingly on the rest of the Web.
I have to admit my implicit content strategy over the years may have been more specific but not very sustainable either. It was along the lines of:
“write regularly and engage with everybody so that one day it somehow pays off”.
Being Specific

Now let’s compare it to someone who has really succeeded with content! m
My favorite example around 2020 was Brian Dean of Backlinko.
First off his sentence is much longer and more complicated it seems but what it says matters most:
meticulously research market demand to improve upon competition and reach out to influencers having already relevant audiences to be able to sell a matching product/service.
Did you notice how specific the Backlinko content strategy is? Even compared to my own strategy?
That’s why my strategy has “somehow” paid off.
I got client work due to my legacy popularity as a blogger etc.
Brian sells his own online course and is a well-known independent entrepreneur by now.
Learning from Mistakes
The story is much longer than that. I didn’t have the time/money to invest into my own projects.
I would like to. It was also lack of discipline.
Brian rigorously works on his own projects without distractions.
I waste my time on social media just to find out how it works etc.
I chase quick wins from client work instead of long term independent income.
Making money now is a higher priority than earning money in the future.
This is a risky short-sighted “strategy” though.
Don’t spend all your time and money on the now and invest in the future.
Please follow the Backlinko way. Use a clear long term approach!
It will rather allow you to succeed than a fuzzy one.
Brian became the number one content marketing influencer in 2021!
What is your one sentence content strategy now and how will you change it in future?
Please add it in the comment section!