Today I want to raise awareness about poverty. How?
Instead of spreading doom and gloom I rather link to those who actually help.
I present you a list of organizations that alleviate global hunger you should support
- with money
- by volunteering
- or simply by linking
to them like I do. You can take action right now after merely clicking through to one of them.
You Have the Power!
We’re not powerless, everybody who has access to the Web is part of a global elite.
Most people do not even have access to clean water or electricity.
There are some radical measures needed to rescue and “bail out” the poor.
Yet I do not refer to bankers who lost their money at the Wall Street casino.
- IFPRI – The International Food Policy Research Institute
- ReliefWeb
- Kiva – Loans that change lives
- The Hunger Project
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Oxfam International
- Welthungerhilfe (World Hunger Help)
Do you know more non governmental organizations that alleviate global hunger?
Add them in the comment section below!
Do you work for one? I offer free consultations for charitable organizations!
You Don’t Care About the Rest of the World?
Do not ignore the poverty at home either!
People are living on the street everywhere here in Berlin.
Berlin is the capital of Germany – one of the richest countries in the world.
Rich Germany tolerates dire poverty. What a shame!
Yet do not forget that even the homeless in the West lead a life of luxury.
How that? Compare them to people who starve in the majority world and witness their children dying.