When I wrote about X/Twitter marketing for the first time it was a huge success!
It became the most read by subscribers post on SEO 2 ever.
More than 1k regular SEO 2 readers have read it within a week.
This by far surpassed any other post before it.
This is a follow up on this issue.
Back then I focused on how not to use Twitter for marketing.
Basically I told you not to use Twitter solely as a link list. Now I prepared actionable advice.
This I time I explain how to engage on X/Twitter for business credibly. See below!
Many business owners still make common social media mistakes and lose their credibility!
The No-Nonsense Ways to Use X/Twitter for Marketing
This time I’ll show you how to do it right!
First off I refer to X/Twitter as X-Twitter from now on as it’s both X and Twitter as of now.
Here are the best ways to use X-Twitter for marketing purposes!
Why? You are building trust and maintaining credibility doing it.
These are the techniques in no particular order – use them all at once!
Reshare only few high quality links per day.
Add no more than 3 to 5 reshared links or you end up flooding.
Ideally you add an explainer comment to each retweet.
Share only the most valuable posts.
Limit the shares from your blog or elsewhere (do not share each and every post)!
Do not automate sharing for certain sources based solely on their popularity.
Crowdsource your posts.
Do it by offering links or mentions of your contributors from X-Twitter.
Then quote them with name and avatar in the best case.
Ask and answer questions.
Respond to questions from your followers or followees (the people you follow).
When in doubt just ask “How can I help you today?”. Often amazing threads will ensue.
Track your most important keywords.
Also make sure react to those updates that matter most especially when they don’t mention you yet!
For example I track popular “content is king” mentions to clarify the meaning of the quote.
Track people retweeting or mentioning you.
Track and look up those mentioning you or your site and either follow or reward them otherwise (the easiest way is saying “thanks”) or both.
XPro (formerly Tweetdeck) does that automatically when you choose to.
Socialize with active, positive and inspiring social networkers.
Connect with real people no matter whether they are “relevant” – even when they are “off topic”.
I do with a few wonderful graphic design, green and self improvement people. I call them engagers.
You see, there’s no voodoo involved in here.
This way I gained some very valuable followers on X-Twitter. People who really engage matter.
Engagement is Easy – Just Rethink Your Marketing
Most people most of the time don’t want to get links from me!
No joke! It could be so easy to “build links”. Yet people like it hard.
Just listen, respond and get a link! Engagement is paramount!
Most of the techniques I use are very easy to implement and low effort.
To track retweets and mentions of your keywords I use XPro alias Tweetdeck among others. For a start it’s perfectly enough.
Social media engagement is not difficult once you stop talking at people.
Sadly to this day most marketers tend to broadcast.
Do it right from the start! Marketing does not have to be top-down.
Are you too busy or caught up in business to engage even for a few minutes a day?
Then you might want to contact me and let me write for your X-Twitter account.