Stupid X-Twitter Misteaks [sic!]: It’s NOT a Link List

It’s 2023 and business people still make common social media management mistakes!

They often use X-Twitter the wrong way! Ouch! That really hurts! Why?

I’ve seen these stupid misteaks [sic!] ever since I started using the service back in 2008.

Yet people want to learn the hard way, by making the same mistakes again.

So what’s wrong about using X-Twitter for business? Nothing! It’s about the how!

Many marketers simply automate X-Twitter and post every single link of theirs.

Marketers Gonna Market

Although I don’t call myself a marketer – I’m an optimizer – most people assume I am one.

Thus all kinds of marketers follow me on X-Twitter.

I follow those marketers who – in one way or another – interact with me.

I follow mostly people who

  1. reply
  2. reshare
  3. react to my updates elsewhere
  4. share my blog posts
  5. cover my topics

Thus far it’s quite simple. Yet many people exhibit an antisocial behavior.

Lazy low level marketers also often automated link sharing and mass following accounts.

It’s such a stupid mistake! In contrast by 2023 some experts even stopped sharing links altogether!

Why? It’s simply because social media algorithms like the one of X-Twitter demote updates with links.

They use X threads instead and add a link in a follow up update. I tend to do that as well.

Yet many marketers stopped engaging long ago, they started dropping links.

More than that, marketers started to drop links all of the time. They are way too many!

It’s not just that. Some marketers simply self-promote 24/7!

How? They do it by mindlessly sharing links to their own content.

Cognitive Overload

How many links do you think I can check out on any given day? 3, 5, 10? That’s already optimistic.

How many of those articles you tweet I can read and recommend? Very few of the hundreds per hour.

What’s wrong with links and resharing them?

Well, links in general are fine but on X-Twitter they

  • interrupt the flow and the conversation
  • take time to scan, read, share on social media
  • make you exit when you follow a link in an article

In case you follow me you probably noticed a few things:

  • I share only a few links per day or rather week by now, never more than 3 to 5 at once.
  • There is a balance between my own updates, @replies and reshares, something like 50/30/20 or 60/30/10 &
  • When I share my own links I choose the best ones. I don’t promote my own articles all the time

You need to

As a marketer you should be keen on

  • gaining trust
  • relative popularity
  • follower loyalty

Instead many marketers simply flood and lead to cognitive overload of their followers in case they have any real audience at all.

How to Gain Trust on X-Twitter and Beyond

You gain trust on X-Twitter and beyond by posting the right links, quality not quantity.

You become relatively popular, not the useless “million followers” kind of popular. How exactly?

You become popular among your preferred audience by being on topic and adding tweets regularly in a digestible number (more like dozens than hundreds).

Your followers develop loyalty when they get to know you.

You can achieve relative popularity by talking with the people who follow you, by

  1. replying
  2. following up
  3. getting involved
  4. connecting
  5. helping people

SEO 2 on X-Twitter is about follower loyalty not sheer numbers.

Remember that X-Twitter is not a link list.

As a marketer in the SEO 2 sense you don’t need a dumb mass of followers!

Such “followers” barely scan your updates and are rarely acting!

You need a small group of die hard supporters.

Contact me to learn how to get their attention!