Great Niche Communities for Bloggers, Business People and Web Entrepreneurs

An agitated crowd rocks on a concert. The light is red and it's written 'Community' on the wall in big letters.

Niche communities are one of the most important pillars of an SEO 2.0 appraoch to audience building.

Only by taking part in niche communities you are able to deeply connect with your peers.

These “engagers” you met in communities often you elsewhere on the Web.

I’ve actively contributed to several niche social sites in the past. These sites here are best for

  • bloggers
  • business people
  • Web entrepreneurs

who don’t focus solely on gatekeepers like Google and Facebook.

Thus I’d like to introduce these great niche social news sites for bloggers, business people and Web entrepreneurs that have caught my attention over the years.

I recommend these niche communities:

Growth Hackers

“Powerful collaboration, ideas and learning resources for marketing and growth teams.”

Are you using technology to accelerate growth of your audience? This is for you.

In 2018 I finally gave in, signed up and started using Growth Hackers regularly.

I’m learning a lot each day ever since. You can follow me on Growth Hackers now.

Product Hunt

“Discover your next favorite thing…” – Here start-ups present themselves or are submitted by community members.

I have found some useful new tools on this site.

As of 2023 Product Hunt is still a prime example of a successful community and a household name.

Being on Product Hunt is often a starting point for growth for software startups.

You aren’t a blogger or Internet entrepreneur? Become one.

I’ve explained in the past that you can only become free by changing your mindset and turning into an Internet entrepreneur.

Both bloggers and business people can do that with ease as they already provide value in a digital medium.

Sometimes it’s enough to

  • code an app from scratch
  • announce it on a niche site like Product Hunt
  • get word of mouth from engagers

and the stellar growth story begins.

Some of my favorite tools like Exploding Topics by Brian Dean heavily relied on Product Hunt for publicity and resulting word of mouth.

Where do people meet online in 2023?

In 2023 self-hosted separate niche communities are rare.

What happened? Social media!

Many third party tools offer easier ways to create and maintain communities aka “groups”.

Plus sites like Facebook or LinkedIn can already connect you to existing audiences.

Peruse Facebook and LinkedIn and you will find plenty of niche communities dealing with all kids of outlandish topics.

Indeed forums are found on social sites nowadays.

Plus people use “dark social” apps like Telegram or WhatsApp to commune and communicate with groups using their smartphones.


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