Blogging Advice: How to Tell Google that You Blog

A golden robot head of C3Po from Star Wars stands on a window sill beside some books and stuff.

Google and its bots are stupid. They are not C3PO or R2D2 from Star Wars! They’re morons!

Saying it in less offensive words: Google is disabled. It’s the proverbial Blind Five Year Old.

Despite all the hyped “artificial intelligence” Google needs your help.

That’s why optimizing for Google is still often such a tedious task. Don’t believe me? Let me explain and scroll below!

Is Google God?

Is Google God? After all it knows everything! Doesn’t it? It’s also everywhere or omnipresent. Also you have to pray to get back into its index!

Unlike many uneducated people who assume that Google is all-knowing, I know it isn’t. How do I know? I experienced it first hand!

Google depends on you to tell it what’s going on. People who tell Google what’s up all day and are getting paid for that are called SEOs.

This time I want to demonstrate you how the Google moron does not notice that you’re a blog unless you tell him.

Basically you might assume that Google knows that you’re a blog the minute you end up in the index. But it does not.

I tested it with my blog here by watching the rankings for [seo blog] after it appeared for the first time in the top 100.

Not that I optimized SEO 2.0 for the search query [seo blog]. I aimed for the term SEO itself LOL!

Ranking for [keyword+blog] or Not at All

I was curious nonetheless. When you take a look at the image above you will see my rankings for the search phrase [seo blog].

You might notice that they are rather inconsistent. SEO 2.0 even disappeared for some days from the top 100 for the query [seo blog]. Why, you might ask?

  • Was SEO 2.0 less of a SEO blog during those days? Take a guess.
  • Did I pause and stopped posting during that time? No, the contrary is the case.
  • Did I lose links or did nobody link to me? No, many authority bloggers did.

What happened then? Well, let me explain. The only way seemed to determine whether your publication is a blog is when you call it a blog, or at least refer to it as a blog.

The days I ranked highest I wrote posts that had the keyphrase [seo blog] mentioned in them. The days I dropped out those postings disappeared in the archives or rather on page 2.

It’s Not a Blog Until You Say So!

When you looked closely you won’t find the term [seo blog] anywhere on SEO 2.0 outside some posts. I linked to the “SEO blogs” post but that’s all and that’s plural. This does raise some questions:

  • Can’t Google see that you use a WordPress engine?
  • Doesn’t Google notice that you ping them from WordPress automatically?
  • Does Google not take heed to the fact that you are linked as a blog all over the place?

We know that all these ranking factors can be easily incorporated into the Google search. Nonetheless Google ignores them almost completely it seems. to this day – even in 2021 . Google relies on the otherwise barely visible page title tag saying “SEO Blog” to ensure you rank for that phrase.

Just search Google for [seo blog] and you will see the even the best and most popular blogs in the top 10 either mention SEO blog, Blog SEO or SEO and Blog in their titles.

When you want to rank for SEO blog you have to use this boring phrase in your title and on your front page.

  • In case you blog about cars call it the car blog.
  • When you blog about the environment call it a green blog.
  • You write about gadgets? Call it a gadget blog.

People really look for those combinations of a given topic+blog. The other day I was searching for a fair trade blog.

I still don’t want to call myself SEO 2.0 Blog or SEO 2.0 SEO Blog! it just sounds so stupid and obvious.

It’s also actually keyword stuffing. I tried that approach for a while and just looking at it made me drop it.

Imagine a car maker calling a car a car. This is the “Toyota Prius car”. How silly and redundant is that?

On the other hand: when you want to rank on the Google moron – for your [topic+blog] – you have to mention both keywords. Easy, isn’t it?