What the heaven is paradise SEO?
Did you mean “parasite SEO”? Hell no!
I mean the Garden Eden of SEO. How that?
Abundance of natural links growing on trees!
So for heaven’s sake! Here comes paradise SEO! No kidding!
What The Bible can teach you and what not
If you live in the West like I do you might be familiar with a popular book called “The Holy Bible“.
The Bible is like a manual for reaching heaven on Earth.
- Sadly it has been written ages ago.
- The authors based the book on overheard stories.
- It has also been translated numerous times.
So by now the manual is quite hard to understand and often not very useful.
When you look up a quote from The Bible you will get dozens of versions.
If you are spiritual like I am you rather speak with the Holy Spirit inside yourself.
Some call it intuition. Others refer to it as universal consciousness.
You don’t have to rely on by now inaccurate manuals.
Yet there is a consensus on some stories from The Bible.
The depiction of paradise or the garden (of) Eden has rarely been questioned as far I know.
As a vegan I won’t call it “the land of milk and honey” yet you get the point.
Paradise is a place – maybe in heaven or on earth – where everything is abundant.
The sun is shining – there is more than enough of everything – not just clean water or healthy food.
How could a SEO paradise look like?
The other day I was updating my posts on positive SEO.
At the same time I was reviewing the ongoing updates of self-deprecating marketers.
Why do people still insist on spreading the word about “negative SEO”?
The term was introduced by a publicity hungry Google saboteur back in the days.
Ever since more and more obnoxious terms increasingly tarnished the already bad rep of SEO.
Bizarre combinations like “parasite SEO” have been polluting the minds of the public.
So just like with positive SEO I came up with a new term for SEO to counter this trend.
I asked one of the nowadays quite popular SEO influencers why he doesn’t cover positive SEO.

I also suggested paradise SEO just for the sake of a pun. Yet the term stuck with me.
Mulling over the paradise SEO term I came up with ideas on how a SEO paradise could look.
What would a SEO paradise be like? What would be the ideal state of SEO to envision?
- There would be plenty of natural links growing on trees of course.
- An ongoing traffic would flow like water to quench your thirst.
- Your hunger for knowledge would be likewise satisfied by helpful content.
- Low hanging fruit would be everywhere and ready to get picked.
- There would be no competition. We would all be brothers and sisters.
How to distill it to an actual technique in the sometimes dark looking reality we live in?
I simply looked at my existing positive SEO technique and tried to improve upon that.
So in Google Parkour positive SEO means linking out to your “competitors”.
They link to you and rank already ideally so you get traffic that way.
It’s logical, isn’t it? You can’t and you don’t want to rank high for all kinds of keywords.
Giving away redundant traffic
For most businesses just a few main keywords and their variants will suffice.
Many other keywords and rankings are often irrelevant and merely causing load on your servers.
That’s not a problem nowadays anymore so most people ignore those pages that rank with no purpose.
So for example I have lots of redundant traffic on an evergreen post about why Google search is bad.
Yet the visitors who visit that post are usually disgruntled people looking to vent their frustration.
They are not potential clients. They neither won’t link to me. Some may spread the word on social media.
Yet all in all all the rankings for [google sucks] and the likes plus the ensuing traffic is pointless.

The often angry comments on that post are merely annoying in most cases.
Also last but not least I have criticized Google for more than a decade.
I’m mostly done with it. I’m relatively fond of Google by now.
So I’m not really keen on getting the people on my blog. Yet some others are.
The SEO industry woke up in 2024 and realized their livelihoods might by at stake.
I’ve been saying this since 2007 before it was cool but nobody took me seriously.
By now I’m just tired of that topic. So I can give away that traffic or point the visitors over to you.
I’d be glad to send the people concerned about Google to other sites that are more into spreading the word about Google’s shortcomings.
- So do you criticize Google?
- Do you have a post on that?
- Do you want me to link to it?
Ping me @onreact on social media. I want to perform a positive or paradise SEO campaign for you.
I will link to your post that criticizes Google if it does make sense.
Sheer anger does not suffice. Tell me when you offer something useful by way of
- insights
- alternatives
- or hands on help.
Then I will link out to you within some relevant context.
Unlike in a classic positive SEO campaign I won’t even require that you already link to me. I don’t do link exchange either.
So what’s in it for me? I have no idea.
I trust in the universe that it will appear soon enough. Or you will reciprocate of your own accord.
In a sense we co-create paradise every day with God. Yet most people insist on focusing on the negative.
I don’t. I’m quite joyful all by myself just for coming up with the paradise SEO meme.
The abundance mindset
In spiritual circles the notion of heaven on Earth is quite wide spread.
We talk about abundance and we practice it a lot. You appreciate what you have.
Abundance is much more than money or material wealth. It’s also intellectual and most importantly spiritual.
The spirit rejoices with everything that feels joyful. Joy is not mere pleasure. It’s more than that.
It’s a pleasure to help others for me. Even if they aren’t grateful. I enjoy doing it.
I feel better just by the act of helping already!
It’s the abundance mindset. What does it mean?
We assume that there is more than enough for everybody out there.
- We multiply by sharing.
- We cooperate.
- We co-create.
- We give and receive.
So you don’t need to reciprocate!
It’s not just barter!
How can I help you?
Are you a paradise SEO?
Are you a selfish SEO? Most people in SEO only think about themselves.
Or do you restore faith in humanity one way or the other already?
Many people beyond SEO are also just selfish. They simply don’t care.
Yet when you finally get that Lambo by “ruining the Internet” – as popular tabloids claim SEO does – you may wonder: what else is there?
Now that I have it all how can I share the love? Just being rich and famous by yourself is boring.
So you would invite others to visit your villa on the Seychelles or for a drive with your latest supercar.
You can’t drive more than one car at once and having dozens of empty rooms in a villa to clean is rather a burden. It might be even spooky.
So you can’t be truly happy without sharing. Sharing is more than bragging. It’s about sharing the joy.
When others enjoy the fruits of your work as well you also feel better about yourself.
So you’re in SEO paradise already? Do you have high rankings and redundant traffic you want to share?
Tell us about your link on social media! Ping @onreact! Maybe some other paradise SEO projects will come out of it?
Are you a paradise SEO already sharing the joy of helping others?