Why Image Optimization is Important for Blogs

Young woman alone at the beach, facing a huge rock formation and a beautiful sunset.

This time, instead of explaining why image optimization is important for blogs I will simply demonstrate it.

One day I checked my search traffic from Google. These were the top 12 search referrers for that month on SEO 2.0:

Search TermSource (Google)
aloneimage search
fakeimage search
fakesimage search
best rss readersearch
seo blogsearch
chewbaccaimage search
seo 2.0search
sillyimage search
funimage search
wordpressimage search
who to follow on twittersearch
fake breastsimage search

SEO 2.0 had much more direct, social media traffic and other referrers than search traffic so it might be a bad example.

Nonetheless the word “alone” brings 10 times more traffic than the term “SEO blog”.

I was globally in the top 10 on Google.com for [seo blog] (at 7 when writing this viewed with an US proxy).

Do I still need to tell you why image optimization is important for blogs?

  • art
  • photography
  • design
  • gadget
  • ecommerce

oriented blogs can get big amounts of image search traffic.

Image search as part of Universal Search is a must optimize for in SEO 2.0

Some bizarre aspects of it:

  • I was at #1 on Google.com for [wordpress] when using image search.
  • I was not even on the first page results at 10 in the US for “alone” on image search so there must be a whole damn lot lonely people out there.

Next time I will explain how to optimize for Google image search.

It’s different than most people tell you. Forget all the alt-attributes etc.

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