What is SEO 2.0? Add Your Definition Now!
Soon I will truly redefine SEO. Not just upgrade to version 2.0, I will redefine SEO as a whole!
Thus I want to know how well my propaganda and brain washing techniques have worked until now. I want you to define SEO 2.0 in one sentence in the comments.
Please refrain from funny but not very helpful clichés like
- SEO for Web 2.0
- A blog
- A cult
- Linkbait
- A scam
- A conspiracy
- It’s just SEO, nothing changed
- Spam 2.0
Also, do not just cite my posts. Please formulate it in your own words. The best ones will be republished in a second best SEO 2.0 definitions post.
As SEO 2.0 is really democratic I can imagine that I’m not even as close to the real definition as some of you.
I’m no genius, I’m just a regular guy spending way too much time on the Web.
So help me define SEO 2.0! Write down your own definition of SEO 2.0 now! It should be self-explanatory at best :-) Remember I’m the only funny guy here.
SEO 2.0 is a term for people who want to put SEO, Blogging and Social Media all under one ‘roof’.
I prefer to keep them seperate, but I think I’ve got your definition right.
I think Glen has part of it, but it is much, much more.
My first thought is that SEO 2.0 is the foundation needed to make the Web a kinder, gentler, more collaborative, and fairer place.
But I have to think about it a bit more, so I’ll be back. :)
SEO 2.0: increase site visibility in search engines by using social media sites.
The results of your queries are shown depending on your interests and past actions.
BTW: linking is a nice way of making people notice your blog post and making them participate in it. Congrats !
SE0 2.0 is the art of leveraging the power of crowds to do your SEO for you.
Thanks for including me, Tad. I would love to offer you my definition of SEO 2.0.
Website / Blog SEO + Socia Media Optimization = SEO 2.0
I know that many like to think of SEO and Social Media as separate things and that is true. But, I also think as it as part of jobs to accomplish to get to the larger goal…. website success. Sure, you website needs SEO to be spidered by Search Engines and also to be found by viewers. Add to this Social Media Optimization and the success would be even greater. So, yes SEO and Social Media are not the same and have different descriptions, but they are part of a larger list of things to do to achieve internet success. So, I believe that SEO + Social Media Optimization = SEO 2.0.
SEO 2.0 is the free sharing of ideas -instantly – between SEO professionals through means such as Twitter and other Social Media.
Before these things… there were some blogs and forums but it wasn’t the same. SEO has forever changed as being able to ask questions and share ideas has become so easy – As an effect of this SEO stars have become SUPERSTARS and can send lots of traffic with just a click of a mouse.
SEO 2.0 is paying it forward.
Doing stuff for others – no matter who they are – and not asking for anything in return.
hmm…that’s a bit better.
I am by no stretch a SEO expert, but I have to think that relevancy in search has to play a major role in SEO 2.0.
Soon, simply getting a raw eyeball to view a site won’t be enough to generate trajectory changing ROI. That eyeball will need to be attached to a brain, and a brain that is satisfied with its relevant search result is a brain that’s ready to spend money. Thus more relevant searches = better ROI.
Soon even traditional marketers will know the basics of SEO. And when that happens, it will be the smart people who know SEO 2.0 who are still creating value and making the big bucks.
Is it about so called hidden marketing?
I believe SEO 2.0 is more than just social media networking.Its more like using all possible networking mediums to generate more traffic to you website.
If SEO (traditional sense) is the Yin, then SEO 2.0 is the Yang.
SEO its all about me me me, what can this do for me.
SEO 2.0 is about giving, sharing and the social community.
SEO is about link building, link baiting, and all these technical boredom.
SEO 2.0 is about engagement. Building relationships, and site attraction.
SEO depends largely on the search engines, and the site may disappear whenever the search engine throws a tantrum.
SEO 2.0 is about good karma. Good karma as well as social interactions bring about authority and reputation. Search engine is of little significance.
SEO 2.0 = SEO leaving home (search engine) and starting an independent life.
Ok, I tried to be creative (please bear with me):
SEO 2.0 stands for Socially Empowered/Enhanced Opportunities + Searcher’s Experience Optimization (focusing on a person rather than the machine) + Search Engine Optimization (yep, the last one is still essential)
In my opinion SEO 2.0 was made to attract more clients. That’s it! Submission in social media is just another link building…
Real optimization in social networks it is when people write quality content which readers love and share in social sites.
[…] What is SEO 2.0? Add Your Definition Now! – Think you can help redefining SEO? Get over to Tad Chef’s blog and join the discussion over to comments. […]
Thanks for asking our opinion. I think a lot of others put their thumbs on it before us. SEO 2.0 is when SEO realised content is key. It’s supplying value to websites by optimising content to give users what they want, in turn, gaining momentum through recommendations.
SEO 2.0 is an opportunity for people like me, who have completely missed the boat on 1.0 :)
I like: “SE0 2.0 is the art of leveraging the power of crowds to do your SEO for you.” posted by mark previously.
I will add on this though as Seo is not just about links.
SEO 2.0 is the understanding of how traffic will react to visible content and how you can alter their behavior.
Well I know what I mean lol
My seo friends are awesome but im gonna vent cause I got it like that!
These days when I see the term SEO I automatically think of some of the over diluted, meaningless, pointless, sappy and vomit like junk content that plagues the social networks.
Example: I fell in love with a fellow blogger.. Who gives a shit? or the blog written with the Russian accent about the best affiliate links to use.
So instead of SEO being a credible business term. It seems more like it means!
Hey but I could be wrong!!
Well, thanks people! The definitions are even better than I expected. Now I can sell them as mine ;-)
No, I will use them with due credits for my “redefinition of SEO” post.
It will make history and you all will be part of it.
I am contacting you through this contact form as there was no email address available. We would be interested in purchasing advertising on your blog. Please get back to me using the email address I have entered if you would be interested in discussing this further.
Best Regards,
John Davis
Hello John, I replied to you. You probably overlooked the “Advertise Here” link at the top right. I have to add an easier to find “contact me” link.
[…] Many used it before and many do without having read this blog. While my SEO 2.0 definition is still a little fuzzy it takes time to grasp the major shift that is gong on all around us. So I am always interested in […]
Seo is a process through we can get rank in search engine
I dunno, maybe the realization that SEO is part of SEM which is an important consideration in a good marketing plan?
SEO 2.0 is optimizing for search engines on behalf of the users; thinking more about their relationships, needs, and communities (hence, social computing), and ethically marketing to their queries.
[…] (who in true SEO 2.0 spirit are bringing the SEO community together with requests for definitions) who work at getting this new thought out into the SEO space. Maybe one day less people will look […]
SEO 2.0 is the new world order – sharing your tests, not lying, etc…
It was said that one page of new content per day kept the doctor away. This no longer holds true. In response to Google’s new Universal Search algorithm we must Strategically Elevate our Optimization…
If SEO 1.0 (organic) is about content, keywords, meta tags, Title and Header tags, and inbound links; SEO 2.0 is about:
Syndication: RSS 2.0, ATOM
Content Delivery Networks
Dynamic Content/CMS (content management systems): PHP, widgets, streaming news feeds, JS Libraries, CSS, MySQL driven Mouseovers
Keyword Density
W3C Compliance
Social Networking & PR
Organically optimizing PPC campaigns
Reverse SEO
Menetization: the effective ways a site has used monetization techniques to increase its revenue.
Syndication techniques benefit SEO and also make it easier for our visitors to stay up to date with a site.
Content Delivery Networks can potentially reduce bandwidth costs and improve a site’s performance.