The 3 Social Sites Every Business and Professional Should Use
Many people argue that there is no single social media to go after for businesses trying to “join the conversation”.
They’re right to some extent but I disagree nonetheless. There are just 3 social media sites you have to join and use as a business person.
You don’t have to stay active all the time everywhere. You don’t have to chase the latest hype!
Three sites are best to stay connected with your audience.
Focus your effort on a few networks instead of spreading yourself too thin!
Where to Start on Social Media?
Where to start then exactly? The only 3 social sites every business and professional should use are:
It’s true that you have to find out where you fit in best. Maybe it’s even Pinterest instead of Facebook!
Yeah, I know! I don’t like Facebook (or Meta) either. They sell our data for profits etc. It’s still important though!
Look Around and Find Out for Yourself
Those 3 sites are indispensable at first to find out. You’ll never even know what’s going on when you’re not there.
“What about Instagram” you may ask? Do I have to use it?
Well, you have to use it to succeed when you are selling something highly visual but the site does not send traffic back to you. These 3 sites enable you to
- join social media on a business and professional level
- meet and connect with industry peers there
- find out about industry trends and what’s popular outside your niche
More than that you’ll find out what’s popular from your niche outside of it. It’s helpful for “market research” so to say.
Finding the Platforms that Really Suit You
I’m not active on Instagram as it’s not the logical choice for an SEO. I have also tried Facebook and Quora yet currently my business model does not resonate very much with them.
Still I’m keeping my profiles there. As a professional I’m also almost daily on LinkedIn and Twitter as my audience is still strong over there.
Personally I prefer Pinterest for inspiration and to get organic reach or traffic as well.
In the end you have to focus on no more than three sites
IMHO as otherwise you’d need whole team to deal with social media. In case you can afford one, great!
All other business people better beware of social networking as for many it’s simply “not working”.
Trying to be active on too many sites does cost too much money and effort. It’s not just time you use up. Tools like
can assist you with updating several social sites at once so that you don’t spend all day participating. Make sure not just to broadcast everything automatically though.
I couldn’t agree more this this post. Having a social networking presence is huge! We’ve found for our clients that Twitter, LinkedIn, and Digg have been a big success with building their credibility. The more you or your company is around the more people start believing your company is better than the ones who are not. Plus everyone and their brother is getting a twitter account these days… its starting to turn into a pretty powerful tool!
I agree with most of your list however I was wondering about a simple, glaring omission, Facebook. I know the negative connotations is that it is all play and no work but this is usually an individuals strongest social network as the people who make up this are the one’s that they know on a much more personal level. Not to mention it is far more likely you will find someone with a Facebook page than Twitter or Friend Feed. I use most of these sites myself and have actually gotten job references from them but Facebook is a definite contender here as a professional social network.
nick: Right. Digg is not good for most businesses though. It’s a very tough and hostile environment to start.
Brian: Thanks for the feedback. I indeed considered to add Facebook to the list but in the end decided not to. It’s maybe my own bias but I don’t really use it. I have a profile there like I do on MySpace but I don’t actively network on both platforms.
I guess it depends on how you use it. My impression is that Facebook is good for non-profits while MySpace is the choice for musicians but it’s not indispensable for the average business.
I would have to add facebook to the list as well. I’ve gotten two clients from facebook ads and having a facebook page for my business plus several bites that didn’t pan out. But I wouldn’t have had those inquiries without the facebook presence.
I think if you replaced friendfeed with facebook the list would be more relevant.
I would still exhort people to check out which of those markets are attracting the most people and concentrate your efforts there.
I’m not so sure about Twitter – it’s only valid if people are going to use it.
Given tha LinkedIn is useful but getting spammier, is one that should be on the list for senior people in a business.
I agree and of course as what others have said, add Facebook!
I have to agree that facebook should be on the list. Maybe it is just a bias but really is a lot more user friendly and has much higher traffic than Digg.
Whichever social site you choose what is more important is to keep your presence alive there by logging in frequently and updating your info.
Yeah facebook should definitely be a part of this list. I think almost everyone of us owns a facebook account right?
I don’t think Facebook should be part of these sites, it’s because search engine can’t crawl the content in facebook.
I am confused, some says add facebook and others don’t want it to add? Well, your list is enough for me :)
I think Facebook is relavant. If you built a community, there’s a lot of people who’s linking to your page. That counts for Google
Your top 5 have you revamped your ideas on them yet with the comments regarding Facebook? Facebook seems to be growing incredibly and just getting short sharp bursts of activity lately. Even my non SEO friends talk about it in general conversation.
It is getting to the point that I am actually a little sick of hearing the words “are you on Facebook?”. However if people are saying it then that’s where you should be for social networking if nothing else? Or am I wrong?
I also noticed within the last couple of months a greater movement with LinkedIn but then the activity seemed to drop off so not sure what is happening there.
I wonder what the top 5 will be in your list this time next year?
Today I came to your site, where I have previously visited but rarely commented, and found that I have spent the last hour and a half here commenting on your comments!! About time I went and did some real work!
Great list. Everybody is going mad for twitter at the moment. I have been using all but Linkedln and yahoo answers. Will look into both of them.
Facebook should definitely be used, even if the search bots don’t crawl it. It is still a great way to help promote your website and build up a bit of a following.
There are more than 400 social media and social networking sites. Each has its own weightage in particular category or niche. They are really useful when dealing with those relevant niches. Thanks for the nice post.
Well this nice discussion about social networking site. I have question from all. What is the best way to increase the traffic of the site by using twitter??
I already use Delicious, you have not mentioned Facebook which I use quite often. Nice all the same.
Well…i agree with this post these are beneficial and if we talk about the best one…then my personal experience says Twiter is better and more beneficial but its not 100% true because its all about your business that which social site suits you.
So far I used was twitter, delicious and yahoo answer. Shoud I add more social sites above? Anyway thanks for the info.
I agree with most of the websites you listed. According to me one should also join Facebook for business and professional use. Its a social networking site and we can use it better for our commercial use.
Nice suggestion! thanks for that, but now I’m currently using Twitter, Yahoo answers.
Thanks again :)
I stick to my favorite, Linkedin. This platform also has twitter options. Nice article!
The power of social media is evident here in all those touting sites that weren’t on the list. I must wonder if they are users or employees/owners of the sites, but it is giving the exposure they seek.
And, I wouldn’t call them all social sites, and I wouldn’t say that the term ‘needs’ in the title is true, but it’s a reasonable list if somewhat out of date.
Really strange that Facebook aint on the list. If I was to make a list like that FB would be #2 on the list for sure. Perhaps I`d even remove FriendFeed from the list alltogether..
I agree with most of your list, too. I use most of these sites myself and have actually gotten job references from them but Facebook is a definite contender here as a professional social network.
I agree with the comments that Facebook should be in this list. As a more regular user of Twitter and LinkedIn, I am only just discovering the potential of Facebook. I feel that it has to be included for the vast number of people on the site alone! Surely that gives huge potential for a variety of reasons.
I would agree to 1-4 but not on the other in list..they the good platform on social networking…
Yep, we all use these if needed in our work, but are always on the lookout for new ones.
Thanks for the list. I use them all but FB, I only use it for personal reasons but never for my business. After I read all the comments I think I should give it a try.
Thanks for the post. I use almost all except friendfeed. Linkedin and Facebook are great to meet people but I don’t like to use Twitter more. There only I get promotional message.
Hi Mat,
I am trying to find a niche social site for my industry which is Egyptian Costumes.
What are you thaughts?
Use of these sites are very beneficial in professional and business use, as they no longer just connect but also inform people about their interests and environment. Moreover, some companies have used these sites for free publicity and exposure.
I agree with Brian that facebook is more on playing games…. I don’t know how facebook can help business in particular.
I believe that the most promising is youtube and yahoo answers. It seems as though the other sites come accross as ‘un-proffesional’ if you wish. However I suppose this does not apply to all business.. Interesting ideas though.. cheers!
I have register with only three of those social bookmarking sites.
I will register with remaining sites. For me its an very useful article
It is very important for all businesses to be active on all social communities. ROI is not important. Many new doors can be opened from using these communication platforms.
Maybe I will do like you… And following the tips from your list…
Those listed below are indeed very useful and great to used.
Yahoo Answers
Just be active in all your social communities.
I think businesses should target their activities to the social networks that will give them the best bang for their buck. Don’t discount Youtube as well – for traffic and brand recognition – I think this wins top prize for the youth
Great work,
Face book fan page would be great place to promote about your brand and keep updates with your customer.
This really a good post.
I think facebook is useful for business. Many online shops are now establishing in facebook and has greatly helped in their business. Not only multiply and friendster, online business are now flourishing in facebook.
I agree, every internet business should be active on all fronts. However, the challenge is having a presence on all fronts while also handling customers & other necessary tasks. You either need to have the resources up front to pay for certain things to be outsourced, or you have to do it all yourself (which can be overwhelming!).
I think it’s hard to limit it to just 7. Depending what industry you are in depends on how many social media sites are important.
thanks for great post, am using facebook and twitter for promoting my blog and site but after this post I’ll use them all and serach many others scoial network bookmarking sites for promote but over you help alot.
For me, Yahoo answer is not considered as social sites.
For facebook, I know many people use it for business, but the feature itself mostly for personal use. I also use it for only personal use.
All are informative and good for at least we guys. I think we all well aware of that.
Ok. I agree with almost everything on this list except for Twitter. Save some very specific circumstances based around customer service, I can not see where Twitter will make my business better.
Very good advice. I 100% agree with your post. Social media is very good to advertise your business!
I Agree, there should also be a few others that should be added to the list like,Technorati and Digg
I haven’t used facebook for business yet either but I have seen other pages that have. One of the ways it go viral is by people suggesting you become a fan of such a page. That is exactly how I found out about a really cool photographer in my area. It can work and it is well trusted
I also use Digg and Redditt. They are good for getting a decent amount of traffic to your site.
I have only just come across this article, but would you still stand by Yahoo answers? I’m not sure about that suggestion.
I’ve always enjoyed using reddit to help promote my site. I’m always impressed with the amount of traffic that I get from there. Thank you for sharing the info.
i prefer using not too popular but high PR social media sites.
yeah and this sites are very useful in traffic generation as well thnks for sharing…
The new one is Pinterest. It’s a cool sight and a great tool to create some solid link bait.
Matt: Timely call! I’ve just written a post on Pinterest or rather whether you need it or not:
Nice, Tadeusz! Checking it out now.
I agree that utilizing all 7 social networking platforms would be the best way to reach all of your potential clients or customers. We do it with our site and it helps get your info out there to everyone!
Couldn’t agree more with your list. Twitter has been a great source of new business for us.
Great post! Totally agree with the five social media sites mentioned. Been using them for quite a long while now.
Thanks for a great read.
Promoting your business in some various Social media is more effective. Just like a site of cake decorating, social media like Facebook is quite a big help to catch some customer.
Looks like you might have to add Pinterest to the list now! It’s a useful site and I have already had some luck with it for ecommerce sites.
Casey: Yeah, I tried Pinterest now myself and I’ve seen some convincing use cases for business people but it’s not a site for everybody. It’s good for certain business types, the visual ones.
Pinterest is good for content marketing of things you can see and that look great. Not everything does.