Category: Design

  • Infographics Business People Need to Know

    You might have noticed that over the past decade I’ve never embedded infographics on this blog here. You might consider that to be paradoxical for someone like me who attempts to be ahead of the game. Why would I ignore…

  • * One day I’ve read a very good guide for humans on the robots.txt file which most people including me neglect. Why block content from bots at all? I prefer to optimize for people not bots and thus I imagined…

  • * What is the best free Web font for readability? I mean not only headlines but also the actual body text! Yeah, that’s a major difference! Most Web fonts look only great as headlines. Body text is a different story.…

  • How Cool Web Design Leads to Shareability Failure

    * Do you remember the nineties? I started “designing” and coding websites back then. In the early days of the Web most sites sucked. Later than changed luckily. Yet even on the modern Web some sites are rather flashy than…

  • As noted before on this blog most fonts including webfonts look fuzzy these days. That’s bad for readability and ultimately for your bottom line. Using just Helvetica and Arial won’t suffice anymore. You really have to use webfonts now. Sadly…