Down-to-Earth Nonprofit SEO Approach: Advice and Resources

Down-to-Earth Nonprofit SEO Approach: Advice and Resources

Do you work for a nonprofit? Are you representing an NGO? Are you simply an activist without an official label? Are you healing the planet and the people? Why me in particular you might ask. Why I can help you…

How to Make Your Website User Friendly Like Fashion Magazines

How to Make Your Website User Friendly Like Fashion Magazines

There is a whole lot digital media could learn about making user friendly websites from the rules and practices applied by their printed counterpart, especially glossy fashion magazines.

How to Optimize Your Website for Privacy to Gain More Business

How to Optimize Your Website for Privacy to Gain More Business

When it comes to online business: are you a creepy stalker invading people’s privacy for profit? Or do you optimize your website for privacy? Do you have dozens of trackers installed on your site?

How to Optimize Websites for People? Use the FIRE UP Approach!

How to Optimize Websites for People? Use the FIRE UP Approach!

How do you optimize websites for people? I mean actual readers! Especially those who are suffering from chronic attention shortage? You need to make websites or in short “fire up“. “fire someone up – Fig. to motivate someone; to make…

How to Use White Space or Get Swallowed by a Black Hole

How to Use White Space or Get Swallowed by a Black Hole

Nowadays the content provided on your website must be original, well written and thought of, and it must look appealing. How to reconcile both worlds?

Infographics Business People Need to Know

Infographics Business People Need to Know

You might have noticed that over the past decade I’ve never embedded infographics on this blog here. You might consider that to be paradoxical for someone like me who attempts to be ahead of the game. Why would I ignore…

humans.txt – Which Parts of Your Site to Hide for People Which Not

humans.txt – Which Parts of Your Site to Hide for People Which Not

* One day I’ve read a very good guide for humans on the robots.txt file which most people including me neglect. Why block content from bots at all? I prefer to optimize for people not bots and thus I imagined…

What is the Best Free Web Font for Readability

What is the Best Free Web Font for Readability

* What is the best free Web font for readability? I mean not only headlines but also the actual body text! Yeah, that’s a major difference! Most Web fonts look only great as headlines. Body text is a different story….

How Cool Web Design Leads to Shareability Failure

How Cool Web Design Leads to Shareability Failure

* Do you remember the nineties? I started “designing” and coding websites back then. In the early days of the Web most sites sucked. Later than changed luckily. Yet even on the modern Web some sites are rather flashy than…

Free Webfonts that Don’t Look Fuzzy

Free Webfonts that Don’t Look Fuzzy

As noted before on this blog most fonts including webfonts look fuzzy these days. That’s bad for readability and ultimately for your bottom line. Using just Helvetica and Arial won’t suffice anymore. You really have to use webfonts now. Sadly…

Proxima Nova Webfont: Best Font for Body Text Readability?

Proxima Nova Webfont: Best Font for Body Text Readability?

One day I wrote about how Microsoft made the Web ugly. Then I suggested a solution: webfonts. Yet there is a caveeat! Only some webfonts work for body text – not just headlines! This time I want to show you…

How Microsoft Made the Web Ugly & What to Do About it

How Microsoft Made the Web Ugly & What to Do About it

* This is a sad story with a happy ending about the way Microsoft has made the Web ugly and what to do about it. You have to act now though or you lose readers and customers. In a more…

SEO 2.0 Goes Responsive Web Design with Origin

SEO 2.0 Goes Responsive Web Design with Origin

SEO 2.0 goes responsive web design with the free WordPress theme Origin by AlienWP. I kept my last theme for about 5 years by now and would even have sticked with it but it didn’t display properly on smartphones and…

Readability Advice: Lorem Ipsum Yourself! Design Content!

Readability Advice: Lorem Ipsum Yourself! Design Content!

* One of the most important things on the Web is readability. Despite that to this day many webmasters, bloggers and even web designers neglect it. One day I asked a blogger to improve his post readability. Why? Otherwise my…

CSS Tricks for Better SEO

CSS Tricks for Better SEO

* Are you optimizing websites? Then you probably know it already. It’s often really difficult to build websites for both users and Google. There are even two separate disciplines by now to deal with it: user experience or short UX…

Hey Freelancer: Are You a Worker or an Entrepreneur?

Hey Freelancer: Are You a Worker or an Entrepreneur?

What is the biggest roadblock to financial success for a freelancer? After a few years of freelancing it finally dawned on me. It was like an awakening! Just consider this: I started to freelance as a worker and I’ve remained…

Image SEO for Photographers and Other Visual Artists

Image SEO for Photographers and Other Visual Artists

Photographers and other visual artists have a magnificent tool to show off their work these days, the Internet. Everybody loves great photos and artworks so they spread basically by themselves. Still there is a big difference between being successful on…

7 Reasons to Hide Posts from Feed Subscribers + Front Page Visitors

7 Reasons to Hide Posts from Feed Subscribers + Front Page Visitors

A WordPress plugin that removes posts from the blog feed is what I’ve been searching for like forever. I finally was successful. I’ve found Stealth Publish. The official feature description is even more promising: “Prevent specified posts from being featured…

The Best Image Bookmarking Sites for Daily Inspiration

The Best Image Bookmarking Sites for Daily Inspiration

What is image bookmarking and how can it improve your overall creativity? It’s simple. You view amazing images by others and get inspired! Indeed you can use image bookmarking sites like Pinterest for daily inspiration. There is a steady stream…

Change has come to – When will it come to your Website?

Change has come to – When will it come to your Website?

Image: Brick Obama by ~emeph Immediately after Barack Obama has been sworn in as the new president of the United States the website has been relaunched. Some of the most important aspects of this change are: It has a…