Google Indexes Twitter Links

How to get indexed by Google? Just use Twitter. This is no joke. I ran a test on Twitter to find out whether Google indexes Twitter links and surprise, surprise it does in certain cases. Of course Google can’t ignore…

Reasons to Regulate Google & Search

Reasons to Regulate Google & Search

This article deals with the urgent need to regulate Google and proposes radical open source like transparency as a solution. Do we need to regulate Google? Yes, of course. We really have to regulate Google. The question is just how…

Outbound Links and SEO: How Linking Out Benefits Your Site

Outbound Links and SEO: How Linking Out Benefits Your Site

* Do outbound links (also called outgoing links) matter for SEO (as in Search Engine Optimization)? Does Google count outbound links to determine your ranking on search? These are common questions publishers ask themselves. Finally Matt Cutts of Google has…

User and Search Friendly URL Design for Multi-Language Websites in 4 Easy Steps

User and Search Friendly URL Design for Multi-Language Websites in 4 Easy Steps

* What an overwhelming headline! User and search friendly URL design for multi-language websites? What are you talking about? Let me explain. Then I’ll introduce to you the 4 easy steps you need to follow. One of the basic best…

Search: 8 Reasons Why Wolfram Alpha is a Waste of Time and no Threat to Google

Search: 8 Reasons Why Wolfram Alpha is a Waste of Time and no Threat to Google

Wolfram Alpha is another overhyped “Google killer” on the block. It’s allegedly a search engine. Google killers usually die Do you remember the last few much hyped Google killers in the search arena? Not? Well, I do. Wikia has been…

Effective Moving Content to a New Domain Tutorials

Effective Moving Content to a New Domain Tutorials

A buddy of mine asked what else he should you look after when moving content to a new domain or blog beyond using an indispensable 301 redirect. As long as you use a 301 you are already pretty safe when…

Simple Image SEO Best Practices for Google Image Search Traffic

Simple Image SEO Best Practices for Google Image Search Traffic

* It’s astounding how simple image SEO for blogs really is. How do I know? Let me explain! I’ve been ranking very high on Google Image Search with the images that illustrate my posts for many years. My images were…

The Best Image Bookmarking Sites for Daily Inspiration

The Best Image Bookmarking Sites for Daily Inspiration

What is image bookmarking and how can it improve your overall creativity? It’s simple. You view amazing images by others and get inspired! Indeed you can use image bookmarking sites like Pinterest for daily inspiration. There is a steady stream…

Social Search: Power to the People! Great News for SEO 2.0

Social Search: Power to the People! Great News for SEO 2.0

[Update: Google’ SearchWiki has been discontinued. Some features have been later adopted for new services like Google+] Above you see the Google results for SEO I wanted to see when Google introduced social search features called SearchWiki, but Google didn’t…

How Can Websites about Boring Topics Succeed on Social Media?

How Can Websites about Boring Topics Succeed on Social Media?

* A reader asked a very important question in the comments! Indeed many people ask it: how can websites about boring topics succeed on social media? Indeed for many people it’s already an assumption that they can’t! The myth goes:…

Blog Suicide: Top 7 Title & Meta Tag Mistakes that Kill Your Blog

Blog Suicide: Top 7 Title & Meta Tag Mistakes that Kill Your Blog

* I’m shocked! Not only do bloggers waste time with meta tags although most of them are worthless for Google, bloggers hurt themselves using meta tags. It does not get better it seems it gets worse. Some people even commit…

When Wall Street Goes Down SEO Goes Up – How Come?

When Wall Street Goes Down SEO Goes Up – How Come?

Don’t read the papers first thing in the morning! Why that? News usually they ruin your day! Remember when Wall Street broke down and spawned the financial crisis? Banks crumbled and corporate capitalism turned to “state capitalism”! Why? It seemingly…

10 Scariest and Most Annoying Facts about Google Chrome

10 Scariest and Most Annoying Facts about Google Chrome

* When I wrote that Google Chrome is not a good idea the post got popular really fast and got debated a lot ever since. It didn’t help. Chrome became the dominant browser/spyware on the Web. I tested Google Chrome…

Why Google Chrome is a Bad Idea

Why Google Chrome is a Bad Idea

* Are you wondering “why Google is bad”? So do I! Now please choose one of the following: This post deals with the reasons why Google’s Chrome browser is a bad idea. Scroll to read the rest. To find out…

10 Google Operators for Advanced Search to Use Daily

10 Google Operators for Advanced Search to Use Daily

Are you still using Google for search? Yeah, I know. It sucks by now. Yet sometimes you have to. These advanced search operators can help you find what you know must be there. Using them you can unearth the hidden…

Google Suggest Effects on SEO, Search Usage and Business

Google Suggest Effects on SEO, Search Usage and Business

Who the hell is the Gossip Girl? Google Suggest offers users possible search queries based on the number of searches and results. When you start typing your search query Google suggest popular keywords or phrases to search for. Ever since…

When Yahoo Search Results Turned Sour

When Yahoo Search Results Turned Sour

SEO 2.0 rankings for the keyphrase [SEO 2.0] during summer 2008, a Raven chart. In mid 2008 Yahoo updated their Index to offer “more relevant results” which allegedly were “more like Google“. I was amazed to find out that the…

The 10 Worst Findability Mistakes in UX + Web Development

The 10 Worst Findability Mistakes in UX + Web Development

UX (user experience) designers & Web developers often focus on and use All these things are perfectly OK usually… …unless they are executed at the expense of findability. Yet they often do. Here are examples of how to do it…

Top 10 URL Design Failures of Famous Websites

Top 10 URL Design Failures of Famous Websites

Famous painting, image by Fabrizio Verrecchia, but no clue in the URL: Do you know what the websites of the New York Times World Bank and others have in common? Their Internet addresses aka URLs suck! Right…

Top 10 Fatal URL Design Mistakes

Top 10 Fatal URL Design Mistakes

* URL design? Is there any design involved at all in deciding how your website address and directory structure will look like? Yes, there is, or at least there should be! Nonetheless I see the same mistakes all over the…