Platform Independent Online Publishing
Platform independence is a term known from programming. It’s not solely about software though. In reality it matters for website owners and online publishers as well. How to become independent from Google and Facebook?
How to Work Remotely Without Going Crazy
Many of us regard 9 to 5 office jobs as pure hell and dream of working remotely. It seems like a dream come true but is it really that simple?
Working remotely doesn’t mean you don’t have a boss anymore and there are some challenges you’ll have to face along the way.
Link is President
* The “Content is King” motto of large media conglomerates like has been misunderstood by content marketers. People appropriated it to mean that content is the most important aspect of your visibility strategy. It’s not. Content without shares and links…
SEO 2.0 Ebook: Table of Contents
The SEO 2.0 ebook is online! You can download the SEO 2.0 ebook for free in case you can’t afford to pay for it.
Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly or Just Pleasing Google?
* The good news first: making a site mobile-friendly is easy. I have even converted my custom built and decade+ old main site to responsive web design myself. I managed to do it myself even though I don’t work as…
Roooarrr! How to Rise Above the Noise Blogging? Be Yourself!
* We’re in the AI content flood era. So what? The noise level of the Web is overwhelming. Almost everybody does publish and uses so-called LLMs and of course more. Thus there is a huge amount of noise out there….
Questions to Ask Before Each Project Starts
* So you are starting a new blog? Do you just consider buying a new domain? There are a lot of down to earth questions to ask! When? You have to ask the hard questions before you launch a website…
10 Things the Unnatural Links Penalty Taught me [Google SEO]
I didn’t expect to get penalized for unnatural links at all! That’s why I noticed it very late. It also sucked! Why? The whole process of dealing with the unnatural links penalty has been “problematic” itself to say the least….
When Slow Corporations Take Over Swift Startups
* One day the good old Yahoo has taken over the fresh and popular blogging community Tumblr. I was thinking for a while what it means. I took a deep breath. Then I recounted other similar mergers in the past…
Dangerous Links: Why & How Google Wants to Abolish Hypertext
* Are links unnatural or even dangerous? The Web is built upon so called hypertext. Why is hypertext called hyper in the first place? Isn’t it just text published on the Internet? The hyper-aspect stems from hyperlinks. It’s not because…
Google is Sunsetting Search
* One day back in 2012 the most important topic on the Internet was the unexpected demise of Google Reader. It was a popular tool to read and share content from blogs by subscribing to their so called feeds. Why…
Do You Have What it Takes to Become an Influencer?
Influencers are the new elite of the Internet age. We all want to connect with them! Don’t we? It’s not just that. We all want to become influencers. Instagram is the site that has pushed the influencer hype to new…
Advantages of Google-Free Blogging
* OK, I really got fed up and one day I banned Google on this blog. You will believe what happened next! In sheer numbers I got far less “traffic” of course. Often traffic from Google is not desirable though….
Non-Google Link Building for Search Emancipated Optimization
* It may be a surprise to you but link building has been thriving long before Google. When I went online and started publishing in 1997 Google didn’t even exist. Many search engines like Infoseek Webcrawler Altavista already did but…
Steal This Blog! Uses Creative Commons License
* For many years I admired the Creative Commons movement. Yet I have not only been a big fan of community and sharing. I also used a lot of Creative Commons licensed images here on the! Usually I uploaded…
Google Alternatives: Search, Mail, Analytics, Docs…
* You may be tired of Google for a variety of reasons! I certainly was. So I don’t blame you. Instead I want to help you find alternatives. Becoming independent from Google is hard. Yet don’t fret. It’s possible! You…
Why I Banned Google on my Blog
I banned Google on my blog in 2012. Why? Isn’t it ironic for a self proclaimed SEO (as in “search engine optimization”) blog to ban Google? Let me tell you the whole story below! The enthusiastic start of this blog…
Positive SEO Example Campaign to Take Part in
* What the heaven is “positive SEO”? Does it even exist? Is it even possible? Positive SEO happens when you push your “competition” in search results and beyond. That way you create a win win situation for all parties involved…
How to Get Linkable Assets for Link Building on a Budget
Are you interested in link building? Yes, that’s what you are if you want to get found on Google. Yet you need something to attract those links: linkable assets! Let me explain. How to get linkable assets on a budget?…
Pinterest or How to Evaluate Social Media Opportunities
Every year or so a new social media “next big thing” appears on the Internet. Sometimes it’s a fairly new site gaining traction fast, sometimes it’s a household name that finally arrives in the mainstream. As a business person you…