My article “10 Steps to Success on the ‘Net Without SEO” over at Google Blogoscoped sparked some debate. Among others
one guy asked me whether it makes sense to create “another SEO blog”. Of course it does not.
Do not create just another SEO blog, create a SEO blog that will stick out like a huge stiff penis and shock your potential audience into submission!
To assist potential SEO bloggers: Here is a list of the best 10 not yet existing SEO blogs…
- Naked SEO blog
- SEO from Mars
- Stop SEO blog!
- Search Engine Onanism
- Google pays my bills
- I hate Matt Cutts
- No Google no cry
- SEO or SEX?
- SEO UL (Korean SEO blog)
- PageRank Fetishism
So what do you think? Got the idea? Btw.: Only a good sense of humor can make you survive in the SEO business.