Category: Ethics

  • utm_source=crap: How Google Analytics Breaks Links + UX

    * Did you notice how dirty some website addresses are? They are full of crap! Why? Over the years Google – the dominant analytics provider on the market – and marketers have increasingly inserted it! In this post I explain…

  • When I started out on the Web in the late nineties it was full of enthusiasm and limitless possibilities. It was about equality, opportunity and technological utopia. Today corporate interests run paramount with gatekeepers like Google, Facebook, Apple building their…

  • * The excessive use of superlatives and hyperbole in blogging today leads to sensationalism fatigue. You actually lose parts of your audience when you are guilty of sensationalizing. Can you write attractively without exaggeration and cheap special effects so that…

  • Last time I have written about Google on this blog I promised to be more positive about the search-monopolist mega-corporation advertising company. You know, it’s not easy for me after all the issues I had with Google. Nonetheless this time…

  • I didn’t expect to get penalized for unnatural links at all! That’s why I noticed it very late. It also sucked! Why? The whole process of dealing with the unnatural links penalty has been “problematic” itself to say the least.…