About Tadeusz Szewczyk (Tad Chef)/seo2.blog

I Am/You are the universe/As above so below. Call me Tad. Blogger, vegan, ecstatic dancer, dances with walls. Join me! Yopada.com

My real name is Tadeusz Szewczyk. Yet you may know me as Tad Chef.

I help people with blogs, social media and search.

Do you need help?

Contact me via mail by writing to onreact at onreact.com or gmail.com (that’s even faster).

You can also ping me @onreact everywhere on social media if you prefer that:




I can significantly improve your online presence with just one consultation!

Why? I have more than 25 years of experience in online publishing and around 20 with

  • business blogging
  • social media management
  • and search engine optimization.

Since 2006 I’ve been known internationally for writing here on seo2.blog and the blogs of

among many others. I write for myself and for clients from the marketing industry and beyond, both in German and English.

Let’s see what others you are more likely to know already say about me:

John Mueller of Google tweets:

“You should write more – it’s a great & comprehensive post!”

Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Roundtable describes:

“Tad (…) has published hundreds of pieces of content around SEO over the years and he is super vocal in his ideas”

Eric Ward (RIP!) alias LinkMoses said:

“Thank you Tad. You have made LinkMoses weep with happiness.”

Brian Dean of Backlinko and Exploding Topics explains:

“Everything Tad publishes hits hard and is worth a read.”

Rand Fishkin of Moz and SparkToro comments:

“Tad Chef (…) closely relates to (…) my logic”

These days I also offer guided intuitive flow movement sessions in Berlin. Join in! See: Yopada.com