Category: Social Media

  • Many people argue that there is no single social media to go after for businesses trying to “join the conversation”. They’re right to some extent but I disagree nonetheless. There are just 3 social media sites you have to join…

  • Every year or so a new social media “next big thing” appears on the Internet. Sometimes it’s a fairly new site gaining traction fast, sometimes it’s a household name that finally arrives in the mainstream. As a business person you…

  • * Are you on the Web for business purposes? Then you invest time and money in your online presence by now for sure! How? You are probably using a number of tools and services: That’s a no-brainer, isn’t it? Yet…

  • Google personalizes search results. What does it mean? You get search results reflecting your specific interests. How to practice SEO for such “personal search”? You have to choose to get your hands dirty! This is hands on actionable advice! Bring…

  • * Everybody seems to agree by now that you need “great content“ to succeed on the Web. Both social media and search engines require quality content as their business model relies on others, us, to create that content. The problem…