These words may be correct English but nonetheless they make you appear like an idiot when you use them on your blog. Why?
They have obviously negative or hidden meaning that influences your readers. Thus they damage trust in you and your blog or site.
1. “if” – If this is true I’m probably not lying. Sentences starting with “if” sound awful but the “if” makes you sound strange even in the middle of a sentence. Why?
Saying “if” means that you do not trust yourself. You are not writing the truth. You are not sure. The rest of the text only applies if…
2. “tips” – Did you mean ideas, techniques or advice? Tips means only shallow advice, low quality techniques and stale ideas everybody knows already.
Why not be specific? Tips are for waiters not bloggers. Tips imply quick and dirty instead of in-depth coverage.
3. “insane” – What’s even more amazing than awesome? It’s insane! More and more bloggers try to outperform their peers by adding stronger superlatives to their post headlines.
Who wants to read about insane web design? Not me. When it’s great, outstanding or fantastic say it but don’t act crazy and call it “insane” just to sound better.
Insanity is nothing to be proud of. It’s also called mental illness. Are you into mentally ill content? I doubt that.
4. “basic/s” – Whenever you cover the basics or write about the basic this or that it’s either an excuse for not being an expert yet or just proof that you don’t believe in yourself.
Telling your audience that something is only basic means half of them won’t read it at all. Nobody wants to share basics on the social Web.
People you target with your basics would prefer to read “advanced blogging techniques made simple” instead of “basic blog tips”.
5. “daily” – Do you really plan to blog daily, 7 times a week, even on holidays? Then don’t call your blog “Daily Something”.
Otherwise the first day you don’t publish a post you out yourself as a liar or at least unreliable. A weekly or monthly magazine is a good idea in contrast.
6. “Amazon” – Many people on the Web still do not notice Amazon affiliate links but I and other Web savvy readers do!
Whenever you add a link to Amazon in a post I know that you are trying to sell something to me and the link is an affiliate link you earn money on in most cases.
“Money changes everything”. Once I know that you only recommend something to get an affiliate commission I don’t really believe you anymore.
7. “Wikipedia” – In a recent post someone on TechCrunch has written “according to Wikipedia”. Wikipedia is no source you can cite. Wikipedia is just the lazy bloggers’ source.
Also, even in case the cited article is worth being cited, next week someone might have already changed it.That’s almost like saying according to Google because you found it through searching.
Moreover it shows that you have no clue about that topic and had to look up Wikipedia. At least when googling do not click the first result and find another more reputable source.
8. “expert” – Do you consider yourself an expert? Maybe you write that you are a social media or SEO expert. In most cases you aren’t.
When you have to proclaim yourself that you are you most probably aren’t one. Don’t call yourself guru, star or genius either.
Wait until other people refer to you as an expert. Then you can cite them. Everything else is unfounded bragging nobody can even prove.
Are there more words that damage trust? Tell me about them. I might add them to the post and will credit you as the source.
Last updated: June 6th, 2018.