How to Use X-Twitter Lists for SEO

My "mountains" Twitter list view on Tweetdeck.

X-Twitter allows you to organize accounts into lists using its Web interface.

X-Twitter clients like XPro (formerly TweetDeck) also support lists.

Everybody uses lists as if they were the best thing since sliced bread.

The SEO community is as always on the forefront and has been early adopting.

Twitter lists is SEO 2.0 at it’s best. Let’s dive in the X list game.

This is my concise article that explain how to use X-Twitter lists for SEO:

  • Make lists public. This may seem obvious but just to remind you: private lists won’t get seen by others or indexed by Google
  • Don’t add just everybody to a list, be choosy. I won’t follow a list that makes me add 200 or more new people to follow. I rather subscribe to a list of 10 “best of” users
  • Use keywords or rather keyphrases e.g “x seo” instead of just “seo” as list names. Lists can show up in search results
  • Add yourself to your own lists, this way people who subscribe to your list can subscribe to you as well
  • List others to get listed yourself. I often check who puts me on their lists and list the people who do on the corresponding list of my lists are
  • Share your lists and blog your lists. X lists are not just an internal feature. They have real addresses you can refer to. You should do that.
  • ask others whether they want to be added to your list. For instance I seek more people for my engagers list.

That said X-Twitter lists are still a rarely adopted feature. That’s a shame! Why that?

We will see in a few minutes whether they really add value to in this case I’m optimistic.

I’m often wary of feature creep etc. but lists are indeed really helpful to organize the otherwise rather noisy platform.

They appear to be the most natural and logical extension to X-Twitter you could imagine.

I doubt you can go wrong with adopting them.

Lists vs Communities

When lists are not enough you can also try the newer communities feature.

X-Twitter communities are similar to Facebook or LinkedIn groups.

You don’t just curate users and their updates.

People can actually contribute actively to a semi-private or public community.

Yet you need to pay a monthly for verification to be eligible to create communities.
