Are you building an audience of regulars coming back of their own accord?
No? It’s is the single most important part of a long term approach to online presence!
How do you get there? How to make people come back? Hail returning visitors and subscribers!
How I built an audience on this blog
One day a few months after launching this blog the single biggest visitor number was not
- a social site
- or any other referrer.
My main traffic source became the “direct traffic” crowd as web analytics tools call it.
It was still rather a small group of only slightly above 100 people. Yet this post is dedicated to you!
On that day I simply didn’t share anything on social media. Also I didn’t rank on Google yet!
You are my heroes!
Hail the returning visitor, hail the subscriber, hail you who type in my address!
Yes, some people do type in “seo2.onreact.com” into their browser’s address bar. You’re my heroes!
As of 2024 you can have it easier! You don’t remember my complex address or brand? Use any of these shortcuts:
- seo2.blog
- seo2.link
- seo2.site
So in case you forgot about the URL of the SEO 2 blog you just type in seo2.blog
Or you forgot the link? Just type seo2.link
You are not sure about the address of the SEO 2 site? Just type seo2.site
For too long I was targeting the casual reader or rather bouncer!
I neglected you, my most ardent supporters. I know who you are!
I mean renowned online publishers, influencers and bloggers
- who regularly drop by
- comment
- and even link to me.
When social media change their algorithms or get acquired you often lose your audience.
I realized that I am too dependent on the social media traffic.
Now please don’t get me wrong…
The casual social media crowd is great when it’s there!
Yet you can’t substitute your most devoted readers with the fickle social media crowd.
Why? It will swarm your blog and leave as fast as it came to never back in most cases!
Returning visitors are my favorites
After reading How to Get Repeat Visitors for Your Website I realized that I made some major mistakes with the seo2.blog!
You can’t rely on the first time visitor like the average SEO does.
Just because you rank on Google does not mean these people trust you.
Blogging without a community of faithful and active readers is impossible.
Now I rather create more value for those who deserve it. You, you and you.
How? By elaborating on existing topics e.g.
Instead of just catering to first time visitors I assume that you know what I have written about already (and link to it).
Then I add some additional insights on top of those topics! Pun intended!
Ideally you focus on those topics that are already on top! In short:
Add additional insights to top topics!
In fact I want to be faithful myself now instead of stumbling around and random blog hopping.
Thus I even changed my reading habits. I support just a small number of blogs I chose to.
I visit those regularly instead of visiting similar blogs covering the same niche.
You can use subscription tools like Feedly to follow your favorite blogs without the noise!
Feed readers simplify following blogs
For years I looked for suitable feed readers and finally found the one that suits me best and my manifold interests: Feedly.
I subscribed and subscribe to all of you and your great blogs I mentioned before.
Also, I want you, yes you, you who you did not yet subscribe to SEO 2!
I want you to subscribe right now! Or follow me on Feedly.
Just in case you wonder: I have still 1k followers on Feedly – yet with my old name “SEO 2.0” and address!
Now that you subscribed: What do you want?
Tell me. I can write about just anything.
Indeed I rather prefer to cover what you need!