Internal Google Rules Governing the Corporation

Internal Google Rules Governing the Corporation

Imagine your business depends on a black box corporation like Google! What then? You have to learn to read between the lines. Thus I prepared an unofficial list of rules that govern the corporation. You may not hear about them…

How to Spot Content Theft on Social Media and Elsewhere

How to Spot Content Theft on Social Media and Elsewhere

* Content theft runs rampant on social media. It’s utterly annoying in many cases. Sites like Pinterest are often used by criminals who capitalize on stolen content. On Pinterest this often amounts to bait and switch – an ages old…

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) Demand Skyrockets

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) Demand Skyrockets

Google Trends is a wonderful tool to find out what the market really demands. One problem is ambiguity though. It happens when a term means more than one thing. It happens to acronyms quite often. I compared SEM to SEO…

7 Completely Insane Black Hat SEO 2.0 Techniques

7 Completely Insane Black Hat SEO 2.0 Techniques

Most average people assume that SEO is bullshit, evil and spam. Maybe it’s even a sexually transmitted disease! Who am I to disagree? A poet? Why not ride the wave instead? Why not go black hat? Wearing a Black Hat…

Top 10 Reasons Why Great Content Fails on Social Media

Top 10 Reasons Why Great Content Fails on Social Media

One day I published a post that took me a long time to write and was well crafted timely pillar content. You won’t believe what happened next!

Are You Proud of What You Do? I Am. You Should Too.

Are You Proud of What You Do? I Am. You Should Too.

The perhaps most important factor at work, independent of industry or kind of employment, is pride. Are you sure? How that? You have to be proud of what you do in order to create value and be happy. Zen Buddhists…

Enlarge Your PageRank!!!

Enlarge Your PageRank!!!

Click to enlarge! Oh, it doesn’t work? This is not a funny post. One day out of the blue a client of mine wrote me an angry email threatening to end our cooperation. Not any client, a client who has…

Silly Marketers: SEO is for Kids

Silly Marketers: SEO is for Kids

* Many marketers just don’t get it. Either they are ignorant, silly or worse. Usually I’m not bashing anybody. Yet sometimes a post makes me think that we are still in 2003. As if social media were something completely new…

The Day Google PageRank Died and Why

The Day Google PageRank Died and Why

Do you remember Google’s PageRank named after founder Larry Page? Maybe you have seen the little green bar in the Google toolbar that represented it on a scale from 1 to 10? October 24th, 2007 marked the day when PageRank…

Blogging Inspiration: How to Embrace Creativity!

Blogging Inspiration: How to Embrace Creativity!

Many bloggers write about the so called “bloggers block”. It happens when a blogger just doesn’t know what to write or lacks the motivation to do it. Do you lack blogging inspiration? Truly creative people do not experience bloggers block…

Blogging Advice: How to Tell Google that You Blog

Blogging Advice: How to Tell Google that You Blog

Google and its bots are stupid. They are not C3PO or R2D2 from Star Wars! They’re morons! Saying it in less offensive words: Google is disabled. It’s the proverbial Blind Five Year Old. Despite all the hyped “artificial intelligence” Google…

Common Reasons Why You Get Addicted to Social Media

Common Reasons Why You Get Addicted to Social Media

Oh no! Did you just spent another hour on social media instead of working? You have to face the grim reality: it’s an addiction! I am probably addicted to social media! How about you? Can you stop using it at…

10 Reasons Why SEO Haters Are Plainly Wrong

10 Reasons Why SEO Haters Are Plainly Wrong

It happened again! A verbal attack because of what I do for a living or others assume I do. Yeah, someone hates me because I have SEO in the title of my blog. This time it happened on a social…

The Real Rules of Social Media Marketing Unmasked!

The Real Rules of Social Media Marketing Unmasked!

A blogger once wrote down some very well known or should I even say “Captain Obvious” rules of social media marketing. This is good for sure! As I do not abide by any rules beside my own I remixed them…

SEO Bullshit

SEO Bullshit

Wow! More good ranking news: I ranked #4 for SEO bullshit on for a while! My main competition was Jason Calacanis who had been cited everywhere for saying “SEO is bullshit”. Well, in times of SEO 2.0 you can…

Things to Love about Iran

Things to Love about Iran

When you listen to western media you tend to believe that the people of Iran are monsters. Why? Not only the tabloids are full of stereotypes, hate-mongering and misleading or downright fake news. Never mind that the US have probably…

SEO Speak Translated: The Real SEO Glossary

SEO Speak Translated: The Real SEO Glossary

* In the SEO industry agencies, experts and even bloggers have adopted a special mode of speech not to say slang that might be misunderstood by outsiders like clients, website visitors or the general public. To help you understand what…

Top 10 SEO Blogs That Do Not Yet Exist

My article “10 Steps to Success on the ‘Net Without SEO” over at Google Blogoscoped sparked some debate. Among others one guy asked me whether it makes sense to create “another SEO blog”. Of course it does not. Do not…