How Blogging Made Me Famous in Weeks

Neon lights announding "wall of fame" above portraits of musicians in a bar. Looks very jazzy.

The SEO 2.0 blog has made me famous after less than 3 weeks!

It is of course somewhat a proof of concept.

I want to practice what I preach and know myself if it and how it works. Thus

I analyzed what happened and my statistics for the first 3 weeks.

Now I want to share my findings with you. Some things worked out, others did not.

Most significantly many things happened that I did not expect.

What surprised me most?

In a positive way:

  • No spam! Not even trackback spam, my poor Akismet is unemployed
  • Several online publishing heavy weights and blogging authorities like Lorelle, Search Engine Watch, Marketing Pilgrim have either mentioned me, linked to my article at Google Blogoscoped or to SEO 2.0 directly
  • Big in China, Iran… My articles not only at Google Blogoscoped have been translated into numerous languages. I hope I do not end up being persecuted for supporting enemies of the US ;-)
  • I received approx. more than 60 links on a voluntary basis, this is 2 or 3 times as much as stem from my own submissions
  • SEO 2.0 has been submitted to local and topic specific social news sites like Wykop (Polish social news) or DZone (Reddit for programming)
  • 37 people bookmarked my 10 steps guide to non-SEO success
  • I’ve been submitted to Digg and Reddit although I criticized both and both of them hate SEO anyway
  • Nobody wrote hate comments about me
  • Nobody sued me yet
  • I wasn’t banned in Google Search (and even got almost 100 visitors through it)

In a negative way:

  • Social news sites in Germany ignore me almost altogether as a punishment for not writing in German. Although I am a power user down there on local social media their users refuse to vote for my articles that I submit
  • I needed 20 attempts not only with my own articles to make the front page of a niche community. It’s probably because everybody wondered “who is this arrogant guy in the first place”
  • Nobody has send me a mail or contacted me otherwise directly. I was just invited once on LinkedIn due to my activity (I should ad a “contact” page probably)
  • After 3 weeks my traffic reached 500 visits per day for the first time, that’s even less than my last blog in German which got 500 after less than 2 weeks
  • Only 13 21 users bookmarked my blog on, 8 12 of them the SEO 2.0 homepage
  • My great overview “The Best 7 Ways to Crash Internet Explorer” has been ignored although similar posts presenting just one way got hugely popular
  • Nobody has subscribed to my feed at Bloglines, indeed it’s not even listed
  • Nobody clicked on my ads! Ah, you’re right, I did not include any ads

My goals for the next three weeks:

  • Getting translated into Hindi, Arabic, Indonesian, Swahili, Punjabi, Japanese, Turkish and Tamil
  • Guest post at Matt Cutts‘ blog so that there is a reason to read it (the blog not the post)
  • Meeting one of my favorite celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler or Sigourney Weaver (it seems that I mentioned only female actors)
  • 5000 visitors daily
  • Getting asked to do SEO for Coca Cola, McDonald’s or Walmart and then of course refusing for ethical reasons

I forgot to mention that I will be on vacation the last 2 of the 3 weeks, so hurry up! Until now being famous feels good. You should try it too.

[Note that I will add the respective links in this article consecutively.]