Common Reasons Why You Get Addicted to Social Media

We're in a dark room it seems. An open hand is holding a few pills with logos on them. We see Facebook, Instagram, skull and bones among them.

Oh no! Did you just spent another hour on social media instead of working? You have to face the grim reality: it’s an addiction!

I am probably addicted to social media! How about you? Can you stop using it at any time? Can you live without it for a week?

I warn you: do not follow in my footsteps. Why?

  • You may end up broke
  • you may become anxious and depressed
  • you may lose touch with real life.

Why do people stare into screens and click all day to make Mark Zuckerberg rich?

Why People get Addicted to Social Media

Here are some very common reasons you can’t live without social media anymore:

Social media is surprising. It’s like your mom giving you a present. She knows what websites you like and you just say “some sweets” without knowing what kind of.

Without really voicing your wishes you end up getting a new type of chocolate that you never tasted before but that’s more delicious than others.

Social media is about socializing. Aren’t we all social creatures? No wo/man is an island.

You get to know many like minded people on social media in just a few weeks.

You can also stay in touch with existing acquaintances, friends and even family you can’t meet in real life. Hello? That’s what Facebook was initially invented for.

It’s good for fun and for work. When you want to see or discover new art you check out art.

In case you want to read the latest business news… take a guess. You can find those on social media as well.

It’s international. Ever wondered what people from Europe, India or Australia would recommend to you?

Now you can ask them directly or just follow them. You can connect to like-minded individuals all over the world.

It’s high quality relevant content. You just follow the people who cover the topics you prefer.

You “don’t believe in climate change” and live in the mountains? Just ignore it!

It’s about sharing and commenting. People share the knowledge without asking for something in return!

Also you can comment and help others by adding your experiences! Most people love to help others.

It’s easy to use. Click, click, click, click, click, click. Another hour spent on the Internet! Just like that.

Yet you were online without even visiting some actual websites beyond Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest! Damn!

It’s like a game. The concept of gamification is part of the social media experience for a reason.

Social media sites worked with gambling experts to ensure addictive appeal. They make you stick to it.

Do you need help? Are you desperate to get off the hook? Start here. You may also wonder:

  • Is it really a diagnosed addiction?
  • Is there any therapy beyond going offline?
  • Are there any self-help groups for social media addiction?

Sure there are. It also depends on your symptoms. Think anxiety and depression.

How to Tackle Social Media Addiction like a Pro

You can deal with your social media addiction by first acknowledging it. Here are some other quick ways to tackle the problem:

  • Admit to yourself and others that you are addicted. Say it!
  • Try limiting your social media time per day step by step.
  • Do not look at a screen first thing in the day. Meditate instead.
  • Disable all non-essential notifications from social media.
  • Give up smartphones and use a simple mobile instead.
  • Schedule social media time like a work task (an hour a day).
  • Stop being reactive when someone attacks you. Ignore trolls.

I have to spend lots of time on social media due to my work – as a social media manager among others task – so I had to implement most of the above already. I gt my sanity back.

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